Gorokhov Ivan Gavrilovich
(January 11 1884 - January 3 1970)

- Date of birth: January 11 1884
- Date of death: January 3 1970
- Travel to Chelyabinsk: guest
- Place of birth: Кurgan
- Occupation: The whole life of I.G. Gorokhov was devoted to the study and preservation of the history and culture of the South Urals and the Chelyabinsk region
- Alma mater: Theological School, Faculty of Law of Kazan University, Natural Science Department of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University
- Employer: State Historical Museum of the South Urals
- Position: Museum director, chief curator of the museum
- Years of creativity start: 1906
- Years of creativity end: 1959
- Title: Russian ethnographer, museum worker, teacher and geologist
- Level of Education: Higher education