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Garyanov Pavel Abramovich

(May 5 1886 - November 28 1963)

  • Date of birth: May 5 1886
  • Date of death: November 28 1963
  • Travel to Chelyabinsk: guest
  • Activity sector: cinema, theatre
  • Place of birth: Chernigov
  • Occupation: an actor, a director, a public figure
  • Alma mater: a private music and drama studio owned by the composer N. V. Lysenko
  • Years of creativity start: 1908
  • Years of creativity end: 1963
  • Title: Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  • Achievements: the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", the Order of the Badge of Honor
  • Spouse: N. A. Garyanova