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Viktor Petrovich Makeyev

( - )

  • Travel to Chelyabinsk: resident
  • Place of birth: village named after Kirov, now the territory of the city of Kolomna, Moscow Region
  • Specialty: the science
  • Occupation: designer of ballistic missiles, creator of the national school of naval rocket science, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, doctor of technical sciences, public figure
  • Alma mater: He graduated from school as an external student and in 1942 entered the Kazan Aviation Institute in the evening department. In 1944 he transferred to the full-time department at the Moscow Aviation Institute, graduating in 1948. In 1950 he graduated from the Higher Engineering Courses at the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman
  • Years of creativity start: 1939
  • Years of creativity end: 1985
  • Achievements: 32 fundamental inventions, more than 200 printed works and monographs, medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", twice awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1961 and 1974), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1959) and three State Prizes of the USSR ( 1968, 1978, 1983), was awarded the S.P. Korolev Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of creating effective models of new rocket and space technology
  • Level of Education: Высшее образование