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Libedinsky Yuri Nikolaevich

(November 28 1898 - November 24 1959)

  • Date of birth: November 28 1898
  • Date of death: November 24 1959
  • Travel to Chelyabinsk: resident
  • Activity sector: writing, journalism
  • Place of birth: Odessa
  • Date of death: Moscow
  • Place of birth: Novodevichy Cemetery
  • Specialty: socialist realism
  • Occupation: writing, journalism
  • Alma mater: the city Realschule
  • Employer: the Sovetskaya Pravda newspaper, the High Military School of Communication, the Vladimir Ilyich Moscow Electromechanical Plant, "Krasnyy Voin" and "Krasnaya Zvezda" newspapers
  • Position: writer, teacher, turner, correspondent
  • Years of creativity start: 1919
  • Years of creativity end: 1959
  • Achievements: Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Medal "For the Defence of Moscow", Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945", Medal "In Commemoration of the 800th Anniversary of Moscow"
  • Spouse: Lidia Borisovna Libedinskaya
  • Political views: socialism
  • Interests: writing, literature
  • Level of Education: secondary vocational education